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Head shot of Becca Hunter holding a jar of orange poppies and paint brushes.

Hi! I'm Becca.

I'm a color freak! I just love it - it makes me so happy! I love food, flowers, journaling and adding color to my home in different ways. 


If you're into these things too, then you're in the right place to find cheerful designs on journals, travel mugs (so you can sip your favorite drink while writing) and more self-care items like fleece blankets and throw pillows.


You can also buy custom wallpaper (I can help match color to your paint for you) and fabric by the yard so you can make beautiful things for your home and your loved ones.


The Vibrant Pause

Be still a moment, reflect and revitalize.

I write a weekly blog about color, journaling, pattern-making, my own art journey and my thoughts on the need to pause, take space and just be.

"Your writing is inspiring and funny! I look forward to your newsletter every week. :-)"

Tile for home page showing becca hunter painting an orange
Image of different patterns created by becca hunter

Love to sew?

You can make your own beautiful creations with my fabric designs available by the yard from Spoonflower. Many designs are also available on wallpaper.


I offer a free resize and re-colour service to help make your project perfect! 

Bring color to your life

Surround yourself with beauty

 If you'd like to have some of my designs around you while you rest, journal, meditate or do whatever you like to rejuvenate, visit my shop. Contact me if you'd like a custom design in my style.

"I love my poppy water bottle! I take it everywhere and get lots of comments from people about how pretty it is. Thank you for putting yourself out there."

Products on my site. Tile showing a few different products that can be bought on my site
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Photograph of Becca Hunter drawing

Interested in licensing?

Please feel free to browse my portfolio of patterns.

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